EP38 / Two Medieval Churches — photo reference pack

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136 photos
JPG, 6720 x 4480 px

This pack features photo references of two pre-Romanesque churches built in the IX century. Mostly, exterior shots, together with some close-ups of architectural details.

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Details and Features:

  • Chromatic aberrations and lens distortion was removed;
  • Original metadata, where you can find focal length and technical info;
  • JPG files are 8-bit and converted from the original raw files;
  • 12-bit DNG files are available on demand.

We appreciate any feedback, questions, and suggestions — drop me an email

Tags: royal palace, ancient, medieval, church, cathedral, religion, architecture, barrel vault, transverse ribs, roman catholic, basilica, europe, european

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136 royalty-free photo references of medieval churches

File format
6720 x 4480 px
2.57 GB
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EP38 / Two Medieval Churches — photo reference pack

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